Today approximately 500 people gathered at Fawkner Park to march to St. Kilda Beach for Freedom in Victoria.
The day started with an early pre-gathering of demonstrators around 1:45pm when we were approached by members of Victoria Police to declare that the Rally would not be interfered with, for which we appreciate the significant improvement in process on their behalf.
Demonstrators brought flags, banners and loudspeakers to Reject COVID normal, and demand medical freedom from Coronavirus Tyranny.
At 2:00pm, the group moved towards the pavilion area, where we had several speeches from our demonstrators and our organizers.
After the speeches were delivered, the group announced the marching location to the attendees: St. Kilda Beach.
With the crowd united and on the move, we marched from Fawkner Park down St. Kilda Road, and along Fitzroy Street with what appeared to be a supervisory and crowd managing contingent of Victoria Police. Instead of being kettled, arrested, and fined, we had roads cleared in advance of our path, which helped us to cleanly move through the city streets towards the beach.
Passers by joined in our chants, which included:
“No Covid Normal”, “Human Rights Matter”, “Sack Dan Andrews”, “Free Victoria” and many others.
Some signs read: “I Will Not Sit Down. I will Not Shut Up. I will Not Comply With COVID Normal.”
A contingent of Flagbearers with Australian Flags, Eureka Flags, Gadsden Flags, and Red Ensign Flags lead our demonstrators along the roads toward the beach, through the busy and active streets of St. Kilda.
Upon reaching the Beach, we found a monument and took some pictures, before moving to the foreshore.
The crowd moved onto the open grass lawn in front of the St. Kilda beach shore and gathered for some final speeches and a send off for the day.
Our event had no arrests or Fines issued, and all of our demonstrators were able to remain around the area to mingle and have some drinks afterwards.
We appreciate the major shift in the policy of Victoria Police, and hope that this new standard of non-intervention is maintained going forward.
Thank You to everyone that came and showed their support, and well done to everyone that helped make this possible.
Stay Tuned for more updates to follow as we look forward into 2021.