World Wide Rally For Freedom Melbourne Review

By dom

MELBOURNE – The World Wide Rally For Freedom was organized as an International Event that took place in over 100 cities, including Melbourne, on Saturday, the 20th of March, 2021. This groundbreaking event formed out of an emergent collaboration with groups around the World, and was coordinated by the founding team, World Wide Demonstration, based…

Millions March Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Melbourne Review

By dom

MELBOURNE – Millions March Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations was organized as an Australian National Event in collaboration with many groups across Australia. These aligned groups share a common goal of ensuring that the upcoming release of Coronavirus Vaccines is done in a voluntary way, where all patients give affirmative and informed consent before receiving a…

People’s Australia Day Parade Review 26.01.21

By dom

On January 26th 2021, The Victorian Government decided to cancel the Australia Day Parade, and We, The People decided to restore it. About 300 People joined in the parade march which started from Queen Victoria Gardens.People gathered and joined together around the Janet Lady Clark Rotunda, with flags, balloons, and costumes. Videographers and Members of…

Fawkner Park Protest Review 05.12.20

By dom

Today approximately 500 people gathered at Fawkner Park to march to St. Kilda Beach for Freedom in Victoria. The day started with an early pre-gathering of demonstrators around 1:45pm when we were approached by members of Victoria Police to declare that the Rally would not be interfered with, for which we appreciate the significant improvement…

There is nothing Normal about COVID Normal.

By dom

Endless Coronavirus restriction measures have taken a heavy toll on Victoria. Lockdowns. Masks. Travel limitations. Business Shutdowns. We were told that we had to “Flatten the Curve”. But what we have really flattened is our State. We were told that “It’s not about Human Rights, it’s about Human Lives.” Dan, Lockdowns Cost Lives too. It’s…

Parliament House Protest Review 03.11.20

By dom

Today approximately 2500 people took the streets of Melbourne to express their desire to return to a free society, without lockdown restrictions. Organized as a joint Effort between Melbourne Freedom Rally, Guardian Angel, and other groups in the Melbourne Freedom Movement, the day started at 12:00pm with demonstrators gathering across the road near the Imperial…