MELBOURNE – The World Wide Rally For Freedom was organized as an International Event that took place in over 100 cities, including Melbourne, on Saturday, the 20th of March, 2021.
This groundbreaking event formed out of an emergent collaboration with groups around the World, and was coordinated by the founding team, World Wide Demonstration, based in Kassel, Germany, and was united under the tagline: “We Will All Be There”.

Starting with a single city in Germany, the event grew exponentially across over 40 countries, via the Telegram channel of the originating group.
This series of aligned and coordinated events is the first ever International Freedom Movement Event, after smaller scale local and national events in recent months. Each Rally was dedicated to supporting the cause of Freedom around the world, and called for people of every nation to “Reclaim our fundamental rights, and take a stand against excessive Coronavirus restriction measures.”

Within Australia, groups across every state joined forces to put on events in their city.
They included Melbourne Freedom Rally, Adelaide Freedom Rally, The People’s Revolution, A Stand in the Park Sydney, the Informed Medical Options Party, and many others.
A high energy crowd of approximately 4000 people gathered at Flagstaff Gardens to listen to music and speakers before proceeding to Parliament House.
As they marched through the Melbourne CBD chanting, singing, and blowing whistles, the crowd was met with an overwhelmingly positive response from onlookers. Passing cars tooted their horns in support and many bystanders joined the march as it went by, swelling numbers to several thousand.
The Victoria Police response to the rally was in marked contrast to previous pro-freedom events held in Victoria, which saw police pepper spray attendees and use the Public Order Response Team to conduct violent arrests.
Victoria Police command had assured rally organizers that they wished to repair damage done to the relationship between people and police in recent months, and their actions on the day seemed to support this claim.
A relatively small group of police attended and were dispersed through the crowd in small groups. When tensions arose on a couple of occasions the situation was quickly deescalated, and the rally proceeded without major incident.
Attendees agreed that the rally was a huge success.
We look forward to seeing you at our next event. You can keep up with event announcements and become part of the Melbourne Freedom Rally community by joining our Telegram Discussion Group.
Full Speeches Video
Full March Video (360 Cam)
Stage Event
The Rally started at 12:00pm in Flagstaff Gardens. Attendees were welcomed by the Event MC, Becky Spelman, a Freedom Activist and a member of Melbourne Freedom Rally. She proclaimed that “We are here to make sure that the Melbourne Edition of this Massive Global Movement is a Raging Success.” Becky stated that the truth is simple: “We are Free, and We Will Win.”
Demonstrators brought hundreds of signs, banners, and flags to the Rally expressing their views.
Some prominent signs read:
“We the People are not asking for our country back, we are taking it back”,
“On the other side of fear, lies Freedom”,
“Freedom is the oxygen of the Soul”,
“This ends when we all say No”,
“Are you free, or afraid?”,
“The one thing government fears is the day we stand together”, and
“We Stand for Freedom”.
The Event was opened with the headline act from the Iconic Australian Musician Dellacoma Rio, a Freedom Activist, and a member of Melbourne Freedom Rally. Dellacoma performed a live cover of Talkin’ Bout A Revolution, by Tracy Chapman. He celebrated that “Today… we are getting together with people we might not have anything in common with, except for the fact that we believe In Freedom.” He acknowledged all of those who “Have ever fought for freedom in the days past, and in the days to come.”
The opening Speaker for the Rally was Nick “Banjo” Patterson, an MMA fighter, and the owner of the MMA Cranbourne Gym.
He began by declaring that “The Kingdom of God is within me.” and that “The Bible is the real law book.” He continued that we would choose to follow the Word of God, rather than the declarations of the Leaders in Government, whom he stated are, in his opinion, psychopaths.
Nick criticized Victoria Police, and stated that he is “More Fearful of God than these men who wear masonic symbols”.
He called them hypocrites for the practice of Kettling, which he stated was in validation of Human Rights for arbitrary arrest. He concluded by quoting from Proverbs: Ch. 31 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
The second speaker was Raphael Fernandez, a Freedom Activist, and the Founder of Beliachi.
He began by reading a from letter that he had received from Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, which explained the Chief Health Officer restrictions that could be enforced on protest organizers and participants. He then tore up the letter, and declared that “We are gathered here today because of the lies that have been told to us for way too long.”
Raphael asked Victoria Police “Which side of history will you be on?” and criticized the inconsistencies of public health policy enforcement.
He quoted the Cops For COVID Truth Letter, and warned the police not to “Simply comply and acquiesce to these rules and laws.” and to “Act in the best interests of its population, and not tyranny of Government.” He declared that “The Truth Movement is getting too loud for your lies, too big for your suppression, and too intelligent for your illusion.” He finished by criticizing the AstraZeneca Vaccine as “Having an (adverse) reaction rate that is 4 times higher than the (Coronavirus) infection rate.” and noted several suspicious deaths of major critics of Coronavirus policies, including the President of Tanzania.
The third speaker was Harrison Mclean, a Freedom Activist, a member of Melbourne Freedom Rally, and the Blockchain Architect of WeYouMe.
He began by declaring that “Today, we are here to take a stand for Freedom.” He spoke about the evolution of the Freedom movement into both a “Political Movement and a Social Movement” of people who “Put the truth above compliance.” He declared that “The Free People of the World know that there is No Pandemic.”
Harrison exclaimed that “The Australian Freedom Movement is Strong, and now joins an even stronger World Wide Freedom Movement.”
He called for a Constitutional Amendment to Protect the Right to Freedom of Speech, and declared that “We are going to Purge this country of every single incumbent politician that does not support Freedom.” He stated that it is “Time for Australia to leave the Labour, Liberal, Green, and National Parties, and replace them with new parties.” He concluded by calling for an Australian Bill of Rights, and declared that “We are the Freedom Movement, and Freedom always wins.”
The fourth speaker was David Limbrick, The Victorian Member of the Legislative Chamber for South Eastern Metropolitan, from the Liberal Democrats Party.
He began by saying that “Nothing makes a Libertarian happier than seeing so many people come here and talk about Freedom.” He continued by noting the 1 year anniversary of the Victorian State of Emergency, and he criticized the Victorian Government’s Human Rights Suppressions.
David condemned the Extension to the Victorian State of Emergency, and noted his vote against the motion.
He concluded by expressing his support for Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of Speech, the Right to Work, and control over our own bodies.
The fifth speaker was “Diamond” Dale Farmilo, a Freedom Activist, and a Prominent Opponent of The 28 Australian VIP Pedophiles Suppression Order.
He spoke about the Crimes Against Humanity committed by authorities under lockdown, and his trip from Sydney to Melbourne to speak at the event. He described Melbourne as “The Devil’s Lair” and declared that Melbourne had “Set the precedent, and showed the rest of Australia the grit and determination that is needed to fight back against the criminal global agenda.”
Dale told Victorians to “Hold the Bloody Line” and declared that “We will not allow governments to turn these freedoms on and off at will.”
He concluded by criticizing Victoria Police for their actions during the Victorian Lockdowns, and urged them to “Reject orders that infringe on our Constitutional Rights” and to “Come and join us in our fight for our Freedoms.”
After the speech by Dale, there was an unfortunate incident in which a disruptive individual was removed from the area by Victoria Police, at the request of the Event Organizers.
She was unharmed, and the event resumed shortly afterwards.
The sixth speaker was Jacquie Dundee, a Freedom Activist, and a Prominent Litigant Against the Victorian Government.
She began by insisting the importance of the Australian Constitution, and stated that any law inconsistent with it is “Null, Void and Invalid.” She highlighted the “Rubbish” Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act (2008) as being in violation of the Australian Federal Biosecurity Act (2015).
Jacquie explained that the Victorian Government is required to prove that a Biosecurity Order has been issued against an individual to enforce isolation orders.
She announced the formation of a new telegram group for Victorian High Court Litigants and Coronavirus related Fine defendants, called Winning Victoria Back. She concluded by exclaiming that “This Government has got to be put in place, its gone Ultra Vires. We are the power, and don’t forget it.”
The seventh speaker was Matt Lawson, a Freedom Activist, and a Photographer.
He congratulated the audience for their bravery, and spoke about the Police and Medical professionals needing to also be brave. He stated that “There is a line in the sand, and right now it is there, and they have to choose which side of history they stand on.” He spoke about mental heath issues and suicides caused by the Victorian Lockdowns, and asserted that “People are Fucking Hurting.” He asked whistleblowers to attend events and speak out instead of remaining confidential and sending him direct messages.
Matt spoke about a GP that refused to comply with the Coronavirus Vaccine Rollout, after reviewing the relevant safety and efficacy data.
He asked for any Doctors that are on the fence against the vaccine rollout to “Speak the Fuck Up, Say something!”. He invited a Veteran named Baba to join him on stage. Baba explained that he had been fighting for Freedom for the last 50 years, and was going to continue fighting at 91 years of age, “Right to the End.” Baba expressed his support for small businesses as the “Lifeblood of the country”, and asked people to take a stand. Matt concluded by compelling everyone to “Be Brave.”
The eighth and final speaker was Morgan Jonas, a Freedom Activist, and the host of The MCJ Report.
He began by asking people to “Unite like never before to take our country back” and proclaiming that “Freedom is our destiny.” He continued by criticizing Australian politicians for “Off-shoring of our policy to multi-lateral institutions, such as the World Health Organization” that “Puts foreign interests ahead of Australian Interests.” He condemned Victoria Police for “Violating their oath to the Victorian People” and enforcing the “Abusive, non evidence-based policy of a corrupt Government.”
Morgan posed a hypothetical scenario in which One Million people took to the streets, and stated that Victoria police would either need to “Get on board with the People, or move the Hell out of our way.”
He asked the crowd if they were ready to “Get on the ground and play a role in getting those traitors voted out of office, and getting good, decent people voted in.” He concluded by stating that that he was in the People’s corner, along with Monica Smit, a Pro-Freedom journalist with Reignite Democracy Australia.
After the speakers had concluded, the MC explained that the march destination was the Victorian Parliament House.
There was a short break, in which the song: Muse – Uprising was played, while the organizers prepared their marching equipment.
The march then began along the planned route.
Demonstrators poured out of Flagstaff Gardens, onto the nearby road, and travelled south, down William Street.

The demonstrators were lead by the Event’s Head Marshal, Harrison Mclean, with a variety of chants including:
“Free Victoria”,
“Sack Dan Andrews”,
“What do we want? Freedom. When do we want it? Now.”,
“End the State of Emergency”, and
“No More Lockdowns.”

The Rally turned onto Bourke street, and passed through the Bourke Street Mall.
It continued onto Swanston Street and passed by Flinders St Station. The crowd turned the corner onto Flinders Street. During the rally, there were several rounds of singing “We Are The 99%”, lead by Freedom Activist Lachlan “Lochie” Kavanagh, who had travelled to Melbourne from Sydney in solidarity.

The demonstrators did a final turn onto Spring Street.
Along the final leg of the journey, the demonstrators chanted “We Will All Be There” in solidarity with the Event’s International Tagline. The march attendees lined the edges of the steps, and gathered in front of the Victorian Parliament House.

Harrison Mclean lead some Powerful chants of “Sack Dan Andrews”, and delivered his final speech to conclude the event.
He asked the rally attendees to turn on their phone lights and hold them in the air, to “Shine a Light on the Darkness that has fallen on this State.” He reiterated that the Freedom Movement is growing stronger every day, and that “Freedom Always Wins.” The crowd then slowly dispersed over the following 30 minutes, and attendees were encouraged to support local businesses.

We’d like to give a Massive Thank You to everyone that came to the World Wide Rally For Freedom Event in Melbourne, around Australia, and around the World. We’d like to extend a special thanks to the inspiring and powerful speakers, performers, and marshals that made our event as successful as possible.
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